29 Ravenscroft Dr. Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801

Is Your Child’s Disruptive Behavior Negatively Impacting Their Academics Or Relationships?

Are you frustrated by a stream of negative feedback from teachers or family members about your child’s disruptive behavior? Are you worried that their tendency for interrupting class, refusing simple instruction or blaming others for their mistakes goes beyond the scope of ordinary childhood rebellion? It may be that they have trouble concentrating, lose focus quickly or often seem lost in daydreams, and you wonder if this is indicative of a larger issue you are not seeing. Perhaps your child is easily angered, argumentative or has meltdowns or public outbursts and you wish they could regulate their emotions better. Do you constantly have to reprimand or redirect their behavior only to have them lash out at you or others? Maybe you feel like you’ve lost a sense of control over your child or feel embarrassed by their actions and want guidance in responding to their behavior.  Do you feel lost and overwhelmed as you search for answers and support for your child—and your family as a whole?

Caring for a child with problematic behaviors, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can be emotionally depleting and physically exhausting. They may be acting out at family functions or in public situations, leaving you feeling helpless or confused by their behavior. Or you may feel targeted by other parents’ or family members’ visible frustration, but don’t know how to respond. Maybe you’re worried that the overwhelming amount of focus you have to place on your child is diminishing the level of care and attention their siblings need. Or maybe you’re worried that the constant scolding and discipline is impairing their ability to grow and mature emotionally and socially. Do you wish you could understand your child’s behavior, help them regulate their emotions and find relief from the helplessness?

Child Behavioral Issues Affect Families And Children Indiscriminately

All children naturally misbehave or need the occasional correction. It can be typical for them to test boundaries, push the limits on what they can get away with and even be defiant at times as they grow and establish their own identity. It’s when the disruptive behavior remains unpredictable, persistent or uncorrectable that it can be part of a larger problem.

Kids with ADHD can seem like they are constantly running at full power, unable to sit still or unwilling to pay attention. At school, they may be seen as the class clown who acts out and challenges teachers’ instructions. At home, they may seem like they are just hyperactive or unfocused. Children with oppositional defiance disorder can seem like they are always fighting to gain the upper-hand or establish a dominance over a parent or authority figure. They may seem like they are overly rebellious, intentionally antagonistic, disobedient or even cruel to siblings.

In either case, both conditions manifest in disruptive behavior patterns that can unfortunately lead to social isolation, academic problems or relationship impairment. Your child may be excluded from birthday parties, have trouble making lasting friends or they can even be misrepresented as mean sometimes. The constant barrage of criticism and discipline can erode at their sense of competency, self-esteem and self-worth as they struggle with the feeling that they can’t do anything right. And for the parent, the unpredictability, false sense of inadequacy and loss of control can be overwhelming. Fortunately, ODD and ADHD treatment can offer you relief, empowerment and understanding. With a kind and compassionate child behavior specialist, you can gain control of your life and your child’s future.

ODD And ADHD Treatment Can Improve Both Your And Your Child’s Life

Child counseling teaches you how to shift your parenting approach, disengage from the power struggle and help your child give a name to their issues. Through education and support, you and your child will recognize that you are both good, wonderful and fully competent human beings dealing with complicated and challenging symptoms that do not define you.

All people, no matter their age, make the most significant changes and improvements in environments where they feel happy, safe and free from judgment. That’s why parents play an instrumental role in my sessions. While I may initially visit independently with a parent or guardian, the majority of our work is done in the presence of a parent. And because each child and family’s experience is unique, my approach to child counseling is always tailor-made to the individual child and the immediate concerns of the parent.

I’ll show you, the parent, the most current research trends and media that can help inform your intervention, communication and parenting approach. And, to help you reproduce our successes at home, I can also offer you exercises, diagrams and scheduling activities that visually lay out expectations so that they are more achievable. In doing so, your child can learn to reframe the concept of responsibilities, chores or homework in a way that increases competency and self-esteem while building successful management skills.

In our sessions, I can teach your child how to embrace their feelings without lashing out, take responsibility for their actions and obey rules while recognizing the power they still have over their own lives. I’ll help them develop healthy coping skills, such as relaxation and breathing techniques, emotional regulation and peaceful ways of managing conflict. In time, counseling will allow your child to redefine their identity while simultaneously teaching you how to become a more successful advocate for them.

In our sessions, you can finally get some answers and find relief knowing that things can get better. Eventually, you can begin to see your child emerge from under the veil of hyperactivity and opposition and gain a deeper connection in your relationship with each other.

I’m considering child counseling, but I still have some questions and concerns…

Will my child automatically need medication?

This is a concern that many parents face, so you are not alone. Children struggling with oppositional defiance don’t necessarily benefit from medication. However, in some cases medication can greatly improve the lives of kids with ADHD.  I prefer a holistic, homeopathic approach whenever possible, so I never automatically turn to medication. Because my job is to create healthy alternatives and recommendations instead of mandates, I’ll always defer to the preference of you, the parent. 

Will I be involved in their ODD or ADHD treatment?

I am a firm believer that significant change does not occur in a bubble or vacuum. That’s why you, as a parent, are absolutely necessary and centrally involved in all of our sessions. I may meet with a parent individually to address personal concerns or needs, but whether it is five minutes or the whole session, you will be directly involved in your child’s healing. By working as part of a team, you’ll not only come to understand what your child is experiencing, but also equip yourself with tools and strategies that can speed progress and make healing more efficient outside of my office.

I’m worried that this is all natural behavior and that a therapist will unnecessary label my child.

Our goal in counseling for children is to discern whether or not your child’s behavior is typical rebellion and hyperactivity or symptomatic of a greater concern. And, although you may feel some sense of shock or fear in the face of a diagnosis, it is of the utmost importance to get your child the guidance they need. The education and support you receive will eventually lead to relief, both for you and your child. In time, you can expect your child to gain greater control over their emotions and behavior, empowering you to give equal attention to your family, career or personal wellbeing.

You Don’t Have To Make Sense Of Your Child’s Behavioral Issues Alone

Trying to address or understand your child’s behavior can be an overwhelming and difficult process. If you have a child struggling with symptoms of ADHD or an Oppositional Defiant Disorder, I can help you make sense of the confusion. Please call me at 443-340-0505 for a free 15 minute consultation. I welcome any questions or concerns you may have about my practice and approach to child behavior issues and ADHD treatment methods.


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